Pinnacle Schools - a Successful Residential Program |
Regardless of race, religion or socio economic status, there is always a risk that our children can make decisions which are not in their best interests. Teens today live in a different world and face problems that are unique to this era. Alcohol addition, drug addiction and clinical depression, even eating disorders can affect the lives of our children in a negative way, creating problems that--if left unchecked--may color their entire life. Many young people today also suffer from ADHD or ADD which impacts their ability to focus on academics and social interaction, further complicating their future.
In a current Pinnacle Schools review we see they offer a wide range of different methods of assisting these troubled youth. Licensed professionals such as psychiatrists, counselors, doctors, nurses, and other professionals assist in the program, but they are not the beginning and end of the program. The founders believe that providing an environment whereby those who are using the program are encouraged to take stock of their life and to reflect on their own actions will promote better behavior. Self esteem building and changes that reflect the desires of the troubled youth are going to be those changes which are the longest lived and the most productive.
The Pinnacle Schools provide not only treatment and a chance at self reflection, but also the skills and assistance to the youth to enable them to make wiser choices in the future.
The Pinnacle School is a highly successful residential treatment program for troubled teens that is found in several locations. The schools are designed to impact young lives and to promote the required changes to allow the student to find their own, more positive path. The residential youth facility has as its focus a mission to help troubled youth to find their way back to a productive and purposeful adult life.
Founded by Dave and Paul Arslanian, football coaches of some note, the Pinnacle Schools promotes the same team effort and character development principles which are so useful and so successful in a winning sports team.
Effecting long term positive change is the goal of the Pinnacle Schools. Their very high percentage of positive treatments and their overall success rate speaks for itself. Featured on such prestigious television venues as Dr Phil, Caring4Youth and Montel Williams, the Pinnacle Schools afford your student the best chance to overcome their problems and move on to a brighter and more fulfilling future.