Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Have a great Thanksgiving. Keep those kids safe.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Pinnacle Schools Reviews Teen Heroin Abuse

Heroin is considered to be one of the most addictive drugs readily available on the streets. If an overdose is experienced, the individual experiencing the complication is likely to die from the use of this toxic substance. We recently observed a popular Canadian actor and talented musician named Cory Monteith pass away in a hotel room in Vancouver by a heroin and alcohol overdose. This talented young man was best known for a role that he played in the television series, “Glee”. Many people mistakenly believe that heroin users only reside and work in Hollywood, but that could not be farther from the truth. This type of drug use is widespread.

The treatment program known as the Elk River Treatment Program specializes in treating kids from 12 to 18 that are experiencing the complications of heroin addiction, and addiction to other types of drugs. In addition to this, the specialists in the program help kids that are suffering from mental illness and have behavior problems. The center has seen an increase in heroin use among kids due to the fact that the substance is one of the cheapest opiates available on the market. Heroin is produced from the substance, morphine, and is cut using several toxic substances. As a result, it is considered to be highly potent.

Heroin has the ability to enter into the brain very fast. This is one of the reasons that individuals may become addicted to the substance so quickly. It has been estimated that, for every four people that try this drug, one becomes addicted. When individuals stop taking the drug, they experience dangerous withdrawal effects which push them back into using – so that they do not suffer from the bone pain, the immense vomiting, and even gastrointestinal complications. This is where the Elk River Treatment Program steps in – they assist in treating the underlying addiction, reducing the effects of the withdrawals, and helping the teen resist future urges. If your family has been suffering from the effects of a heroin addiction, Elk River can help.

Why it is Important to Stay in Your Child’s Business

Kids, especially teens, have many different electronic devices that they use to communicate with others. Due to the advancement of technology, children have a lot more freedom and can hide things online and in other places where parents cannot see them. The bad thing is that children of all ages can hide things, no matter how young they might be. As a result, it is easy for devious adults to target unsuspecting children. There are many people who will try to take advantage of our children and trick them into giving out personal information that they should have locked down. Your child also may be the victim of cyber bullying, or may be the cyber bully.

There are adults who like to prey on innocent children. There are even teenagers who have devious intentions and have gotten personal info from children. They have also gotten pictures that should have never been seen by others. These pictures may have been very personal. Knowing what your children are sharing with others on their phones and on the internet is a huge part of being a good parent in this day and age.

In order to do this you might have to do some things that they do not like. This means inspecting their online and phone accounts from time to time. You can do this while actually logged into their accounts or just viewing the information that is on their accounts. You have to know what your children are sharing on the social media sites.

Your children might think that you are invading their privacy. They will most definitely dislike when you check their phone and internet history. You can always just install private software that stops them from sharing certain information with others. There is some software of this nature that will not let you to send an address via phone numbers. This helps a little bit. But, if someone wants to do wrong they will find a way to do it and children are no exception. Make it a point to check your child’s phone to make sure that you know what he or she is sharing with others.

You have to tell your child what you are doing. You also have to perform your checks on a frequent basis. Know who their existing friends are. Also, be aware of how they are communicating with and staying in contact with these friends. Know what type of information is being transferred. Talk to your children and try to meet and talk to their friends as well. This will give you a chance to find out more about their friends.

It is imperative that you are an active part of your children’s lives. Keep up with their friends. Know what is going on in your children’s lives. Talk to them and make sure that they are safe. Understand that the only way to do this will involve making unpopular decisions, but this is what a good parent does.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What is a Struggling Teen?

The phrase struggling teen is quite often one that we can't define. Many parents feel that their own child may be having problems or might be struggling in some aspects, but they hesitate to broach the subject with the teen. Usually one or more indicating factors stand out that will finally cause them to have a conversation with the teen about their outlook or their problems.

Teens tend to be less than forthcoming with parents in many cases. This is a case of wanting to be more independent and of building their own small society of friends and learning to depend on themselves. That can be a positive thing when it is not an out of control issue that prevents the teen from coming to the parent with a problem that may be taking place.
How will you as a parent know if your teen is struggling in some way? The term struggling teen typically brings with it some signs that you as a parent can see and which will be warming signs that you may have a problem.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Reveiw of a Successful Program

Pinnacle Schools - a Successful Residential Program

Regardless of race, religion or socio economic status, there is always a risk that our children can make decisions which are not in their best interests. Teens today live in a different world and face problems that are unique to this era. Alcohol addition, drug addiction and clinical depression, even eating disorders can affect the lives of our children in a negative way, creating problems that--if left unchecked--may color their entire life. Many young people today also suffer from ADHD or ADD which impacts their ability to focus on academics and social interaction, further complicating their future.

In a current Pinnacle Schools review we see they offer a wide range of different methods of assisting these troubled youth. Licensed professionals such as psychiatrists, counselors, doctors, nurses, and other professionals assist in the program, but they are not the beginning and end of the program. The founders believe that providing an environment whereby those who are using the program are encouraged to take stock of their life and to reflect on their own actions will promote better behavior. Self esteem building and changes that reflect the desires of the troubled youth are going to be those changes which are the longest lived and the most productive.

The Pinnacle Schools provide not only treatment and a chance at self reflection, but also the skills and assistance to the youth to enable them to make wiser choices in the future.

The Pinnacle School is a highly successful residential treatment program for troubled teens that is found in several locations. The schools are designed to impact young lives and to promote the required changes to allow the student to find their own, more positive path. The residential youth facility has as its focus a mission to help troubled youth to find their way back to a productive and purposeful adult life.

Founded by Dave and Paul Arslanian, football coaches of some note, the Pinnacle Schools promotes the same team effort and character development principles which are so useful and so successful in a winning sports team.

Effecting long term positive change is the goal of the Pinnacle Schools. Their very high percentage of positive treatments and their overall success rate speaks for itself. Featured on such prestigious television venues as Dr Phil, Caring4Youth and Montel Williams, the Pinnacle Schools afford your student the best chance to overcome their problems and move on to a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Three Spings

Helping A Troubled Teen Program Stay Alive

Based in Huntsville, Alabama, Three Springs Inc. was an organization which assisted troubled teens. They provided boot camps and boarding schools, and their active presence was representative of the growing need to help young people through some rough spots in life. In order to achieve this positive goal, it takes a strong team and financial backing. It became clear that the best choice was to fold this program into a larger, more accomplished firm now known as TSI (Three Springs Inc.).

The same types of services and programs are offered by Sequel TSI that were available with Three Springs Inc. As an accommodation to the mixture of adolescent needs, a newer property was secured. Through Auldern Academy, there is a therapeutic boarding school available in Siler City, North Carolina. The goal of this service is to meet and exceed the many challenges facing teens from the 8th to 12th grades in areas of social, emotional and intellectual areas of development.

The new outdoor facility is Paint Rock Valley which provides awe inspiring mountain views, fresh water streams and a variety of wildlife. In this low-key, natural environment, counselors can work on a one-on-one basis with residents. The program offers the opportunity to work with animals, play sports, do volunteer work and develop new skills. this offers individuals the chance to get in touch with inner feelings and learn the best way to deal with the outside world.

Many young people these days seem to be filled with confusion and anger. Unless they are able to address the problems in their lives, teens are unable to advance into adulthood without being unable to function appropriately. If your teen is experiencing poor grades, unable to form relationships, and defying authority, these may be signals that they are heading for disaster. Sequel TSI counselors are able to answer questions that will help you recognize the warning signs, advise on appropriate steps to take, and where to find financial aid.

The place to begin is with gathering information about Sequel TSI so that you can do a comparison with other behavioral facilities to determine your options. Parents often find it difficult to recognize when a child is not living up to expectations, but by facing the problems early on will help each person breathe a sigh of relief.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Therapeutic Boarding School - Right For Your Teenager?

Is your teen's behavior driving you crazy and you're reaching the end of your rope? Does your teenager have issues respecting authority figures or often break the most basic rules you've established for your family? Are you wondering if your teen could be doing better in school? If "yes" is the answer to any of these questions, you might want to think about a therapeutic boarding school for your teenager.

Even the very best of parents can discover that their child has developed behavioral issues. You shouldn't feel that it's your fault and that is a hopeless situation. There is help out there and if your child is struggling emotionally, you may need to find the professional support that you can't provide. Parents should avoid feeling guilt and just work on helping their children work through their problems.

For example, therapeutic boarding schools designed specifically for teens have been established to provide the type of well-structured educational setting that some teens seem to need. The structured environment of these schools allows troubled teens to succeed because they prevent some or all of the distractions typically found in the public school environment. Instead of distractions, therapeutic boarding schools furnish emotionally distressed teens with the social and emotional guidance, support and encouragement they need.

Parents who are looking for the professional services of boarding schools for a struggling teenager will need to fully understand the distinction between conventional boarding schools and therapeutic boarding schools. Therapeutic schools are specifically designed to work with teenagers who struggle with a variety of behavioral issues including learning problems. There are also boarding schools that focus on a particular issue such as bipolar disorders, eating disorders, Aspergers Syndrome, anger issues, depression and even work specifically with teenage runaways.

A therapeutic boarding school may also be required for the following types of behavior: Lying; Violent, destructive, anger-ridden behavior on a regular basis; Inability to interact appropriately with others; Substance abuse, whether it's drugs or alcohol; Difficulty respecting authority. The parent of a teen with any of these issues should at least consider a therapeutic boarding school.

Typically, it will be easier for a troubled teen to learn in a therapeutic boarding school. The learning environment is more effective because the teen will be in smaller classes, receive one-on-one attention, and be in a well-structured situation. The extracurricular activities at therapeutic boarding schools are designed to foster creativity and intellectual achievement. And, experienced professionals can help students work through their issues during individual and group therapy sessions.

In addition to helping the troubled teen, a therapeutic boarding school can provide guidance for the teen's family. The services provided by the boarding school are designed to achieve long-lasting behavioral changes, although these changes will not occur immediately. It is hoped that the teen will ultimately be able to return home or move on to have a successful college career.

Sending your troubled teen to boarding school is not an easy decision - in fact, it might be the hardest decision you'll ever make with regard to your child. However, if your teen has the type of issues mentioned above, deciding to investigate and then send your teen to a therapeutic boarding school could be a lifesaver. It could also give your teen the chance to enjoy a happy, successful future.

Friday, May 17, 2013