Thursday, August 22, 2013

What is a Struggling Teen?

The phrase struggling teen is quite often one that we can't define. Many parents feel that their own child may be having problems or might be struggling in some aspects, but they hesitate to broach the subject with the teen. Usually one or more indicating factors stand out that will finally cause them to have a conversation with the teen about their outlook or their problems.

Teens tend to be less than forthcoming with parents in many cases. This is a case of wanting to be more independent and of building their own small society of friends and learning to depend on themselves. That can be a positive thing when it is not an out of control issue that prevents the teen from coming to the parent with a problem that may be taking place.
How will you as a parent know if your teen is struggling in some way? The term struggling teen typically brings with it some signs that you as a parent can see and which will be warming signs that you may have a problem.